Arthur Steneri
Courtesy of Steneri Family. Historic Saranac Lake Collection
Born: September 17, 1908

Died: March 15, 1997

Married: Florence G. Steneri

Children: Arthur Steneri, Jr., Barbara Janet (Steneri) Peters

Arthur Steneri was born in Saranac Lake, the son of music director Philip L. Steneri. His aunt and uncle were Sidney Bunker and Maisey Bunker. He was a patient at the Trudeau Sanatorium for a collapsed lung. Steneri kept an album of photographs taken during his stay at Trudeau Sanatorium. 

An anonymous contributor adds: From 1972 to 1997 Arthur and Florence lived in Cape Vincent in Jefferson County, New York. He worked for the Johns-Manville Co. in New York City, retiring in the mid-60s. About a year before his death he made one last trip to Saranac Lake, and to Keeseville, New York to see his Mother's (Lena) and Father's (Philip) burial sites.

Lake Placid News, November 14, 1972

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Steneri of Woodbury are staying at the Hotel Saranac for a few days. Mr. Steneri attended high school on the site of the hotel many years ago and recalls helping to move the laboratory equipment to the new high school which is now the Petrova School.

He was a member of the Saranac Lake Boys' Band, and his father, Philip L. Steneri, was director. The senior Mr. Steneri also directed a girls' [”Mandolin Club"], and Mr. Steneri brought a memento of that organization along with him, a program of the Girls' Community Club of Saranac Lake of which the Mandolin Club was a part, formed in 1920 and filled a long felt need to supply a meeting place for the young girls and young women of the community." Mrs. Clarence Moody was president. Mr. Steneri has not been in Saranac Lake for 40 years.


2012-03-29 12:09:12   From 1972 to 1997 Arthur and Florence lived in Cape Vincent in Jefferson County, New York. He worked for Johns-Manville Co. in New York City, retiring in the mid-60s. About a year before his death he made one last trip to Saranac Lake, and to Keesville, New York to see his Mother's (Lena) and Father's (Philip) burial sites. —

2012-03-29 13:20:08   Thanks! —Mwanner